Thursday, June 15, 2017


Yep! This is little Sarah!
Ever since I was a wee one, I loved to scribble. As I grew, this became painting, drawing, coloring, art, art, art. Just ask my parents. They still have boxes worth of my childhood art. I've also always been strongly drawn to animals. As a child, I would spend my time on bikes with my friends, riding through the neighborhood pretending we were riding horses, or jaunt down to the forest and hunt for frogs. I would beg my parents to take us to the pet store, and eventually it all paid off, as over the course of my childhood we had cats, a goat, fish, an iguana, gerbils, rabbits, rats, mice, parakeets, zebra finches, a newt (Sir Isaac Newton!), and always a collection of bugs or other critters from the backyard in a random assortment of empty pickle and jelly jars. Of course, being a young artist and an animal lover, I would often combine these interests. Drawing animals, or sketching the outdoors.

Today I have a rich background of experiences to draw upon. I have a B.A. in Art History, and an M.A. in Zoology, with a focus on connecting children to nature through arts-based methods. This has all led to this point. I hope you will join me as I explore this artistic journey! I finally decided to jump on the bandwagon and provide a place to arrange and share my art. I also have some fun things in the works for the future, but I can't quite share those yet. Stay tuned!